Team > Tabea Scharrer

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair for Social Anthropology
Scientific career
- 2025 - 2027: Senior Researcher and Project Leader - Bayreuth University, Cultural and Social Anthropology Department
- 2024: Senior Researcher - Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen
- 2022 - 2023: Lecturer - Leipzig University, Institute of Anthropology
- 2021 - 2022: Writing Scholarship - Bayreuth University, Cluster of Excellence 'Africa Multiple'
- 2010 - 2020: Researcher - Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle
- 2009 - 2010: Lecturer - Free University Berlin, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 2006 - 2009: Doctoral Scholarship - Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst
- 2004 - 2006: Research Assistant - Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
Current offices and functions
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Comparative Migration Studies (CMS)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair for Social Anthropology
Research areas
- (forced) migration, socio-economic inequality, and religion (esp. Islam)
- Kenya, Tanzania, Germany, and Austria
- particpant observation, biographical research, narrative interviews, multi-sited research, archival research, social network analysis

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair for Social Anthropology
Tabea Scharrer, Laura Lambert, Stefan Millar, Mert Pekşen, Ville Laakkonen: Contested future-making in containment : temporalities, infrastructures and agency. In: Comparative Migration Studies, 12 (2024). - .
Markus Virgil Hoehne, Tabea Scharrer: Balancing inclusion and exclusion among Somali migrants in Germany. In: International Migration, 61 (2023). - S. 87-101.
Tabea Scharrer, Sawitri Saharso: Beyond ‘race’? : a rejoinder. In: Comparative Migration Studies, 11 (2023). - .
Tabea Scharrer: Of Mukhalas and Magafe : Somali Migrants Navigating the Dangers of Ransom Smuggling in Northern Africa. In: The Annales of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 709 (2023). - S. 86-104.
Sawitri Saharso, Tabea Scharrer: Beyond race?. In: Comparative Migration Studies, 10 (2022). - .
Tabea Scharrer: Creating an atmosphere of intellectual superiority : Islamic missionary work in Kenya as staged competition in a climate of religious diversity. In: Journal of Contemporary Religion, 37 (2022). - S. 203-222.
Tabea Scharrer, Magdalena Suerbaum: Negotiating class positions in proximate places of refuge : Syrians in Egypt and Somalians in Kenya. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48 (2022). - S. 4847-4864.
Christian Hunkler, Tabea Scharrer, Magdalena Suerbaum, Zeynep Yanasmayan: Spatial and social im/mobility in forced migration : revisiting class. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48 (2022). - S. 4829-4846.
Tabea Scharrer: “It Is Better to Do Business in Africa than in Europe” : Socio-Economic Positionings among Business-Minded European Somalis Moving to Kenya. In: Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 18 (2020). - S. 270-285.
Tabea Scharrer: “Ambiguous citizens” : Kenyan Somalis and the question of belonging. In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (2018). - S. 494-513.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair for Social Anthropology
Tabea Scharrer
DFG research "Socio-Economic Positioning and Class Making in the Context of Transnational Forced Migration. Somali Refugees in Kenya and Germany" at the Chair for Social Anthropology
Universität Bayreuth
Building: Zapf Haus
Room: 4.2.30
Nürnberger Straße 38
D-95447 Bayreuth
Homepage: Lehrstuhl Sozialanthropologie
Google Scholar: Homepage Tabea Scharrer