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Team > Koreen Reece

2022_Weiland_500px_Reece-Koreen Koreen Reece

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair for Social Anthropology



Engstrom, Sandra; Reece, Koreen; Katisi, Masego
Nature-based therapy in Botswana and Scotland : Re-imagining social work for the climate crisis
in Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development volume 3 (2024) issue 2. - page 116-130
doi:10.18261/njwel.3.2.5 ...


Reece, Koreen
Telling Families, Telling AIDS : Narratives of Crisis in Botswana
in Ethnos : Journal of Anthropology volume 88 (2023) issue 5. - page 972-993
doi:10.1080/00141844.2021.1965640 ...


Reece, Koreen
Pandemic Kinship : Families, Intervention, and Social Change in Botswana's Time of AIDS
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022. - xiv, 308 page . - (The International African Library)
doi:10.1017/9781009150200 ...


Reece, Koreen
Go fiwa molao / giving the law : marriage, law and social change in Botswana
Marriage in Past, Present and Future Tense
London : UCL Press, 2021. - page 34-53
doi:10.2307/j.ctv1j13zcm.7 ...

Carsten, Janet; Chiu, Hsiao-Chiao; Magee, Siobhan; Papadaki, Eirini; Reece, Koreen
Introduction: marriage in past, present and future tense
Marriage in Past, Present and Future Tense
London : UCL Press, 2021. - page 1-33
doi:10.2307/j.ctv1j13zcm.6 ...

Reece, Koreen
reviewed by: Livingston, Julie: Self-devouring growth : a planetary parable as told from southern Africa. Du ...
in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute volume 27 (2021) issue 1. - page 206-207
doi:10.1111/1467-9655.13468 ...


Marriage in Past, Present and Future Tense
publ: Carsten, Janet; Chiu, Hsiao-Chiao; Maggee, Siobhan; Papadaki, Eirini; Reece, Koreen
London : UCL Press, 2021. - xi, 163 page
doi:10.14324/111.9781800080386 ...


McNeilly, Hannah; Reece, Koreen
'Everybody's Always Here with Me!' : Pandemic Proximity and the Lockdown Family
in Anthropology in Action volume 27 (2020) issue 3. - page 18-21
doi:10.3167/aia.2020.270304 ...


Reece, Koreen
'We are seeing things' : recognition, risk and reproducing kinship in Botswana's time of AIDS
in Africa : The Journal of the International African Institute volume 89 (2019) issue 1. - page 40-60
doi:10.1017/S0001972018000694 ...


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair for Social Anthropology

Koreen Reece
Akademische Rätin

University of Bayreuth
Building: GW II
Room: 00.02
Universitätsstraße 30
​D-95447 Bayreuth

E-mail: koreen.reece@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Lehrstuhl Sozialanthropologie

Webmaster: Nadja Bscherer

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