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Team > Anna Madeleine Ayeh

2022_Weiland_500px_Ayeh-Anna Anna Madeleine Ayeh

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology

Scientific career:

  • since Dec. 2015: Research associate in Social Anthropology at the University of Bayreuth
  • Jan. 2014 - Nov. 2015: research assistant in the Social Anthropology research group at the University of Bayreuth and the Institute of African Studies (IAS), University of Bayreuth
  • 2012-2015: Master's degree course in African Culture & Society (focus on social
    anthropology, development sociology, and politics), University of Bayreuth; Master's thesis: Growing up with the Word of God. Youth teaching and learning in North Beninese Koranic schools (awarded the VAD Young Talent Prize 2016)
  • 2008-2011: Bachelor's degree course in Islamic studies and social anthropology, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen; Bachelor's thesis: "Anybody who says he doesn't want šarīʿa is not a Muslim" - Islamic law and statehood in Nigeria and Sudan

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology

Research interests

I am interested in researching differentiated and unequal ways of knowing, working, and caring in Europe and West Africa. Taking the entanglement of categories of difference like gender, race, sexuality, class, religion, and age into account, I am intrigued to better understand how people’s intersectional positioning informs how they give and receive care in ways that transgress boundaries of “the private” and “the public”.

I am intrigued by the various interplays between (hegemonial) knowledges, social policies, and lived care practices.

As a first-generation academic, and a parenting early-career researcher, I further want to add to transformative debates that make academia a more inclusive space.

Regional focus

Ghana, Benin, Germany


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology



Ayeh, Anna Madeleine
Doing Fieldwork while Parenting : Between Challenging and Intensifying Structural Power Imbalan ...
in Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology volume 28 (2022) . - page 24-40
doi:10.36950/sjsca.2022.28.7998 ...


Ayeh, Anna Madeleine
Gender Relations in (the) Crisis : Legislating Domestic Violence and Femicide in Ghana
in africanlegalstudies.blog
24. September 2021
https://africanlegalstudies.blog/2021/09/24/gender ...

Ayeh, Anna Madeleine; Schild, Hannah
Tagungsbericht: Fielding the Field

https://www.africamultiple.uni-bayreuth.de/en/news ...

Ayeh, Anna Madeleine
reviewed by: Braukmann, Fabienne ; Haug, Michaela ; Metzmacher, Katja ; Stolz, Rosalie (Hrsg.): Being a Par ...
in Sociologus volume 71 (2021) issue 1. - page 103-105
doi:10.3790/soc.71.1.toc ...


Ayeh, Anna Madeleine
Aufwachsen mit dem Gotteswort : Jugendliches Lehren und Lernen in nordbeninischen Koranschulen
Bayreuth, 2015
(master's thesis, , )

Köppe, Yvette; Ayeh, Anna Madeleine
Tagungsbericht: Erwachsenwerden und Zugehörigkeit aus gesellschafts- und kulturvergleichender Perspe ...

https://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/fdkn-1 ...


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology

Anna Madeleine Ayeh
research associate

University of Bayreuth
Building: GW II
Room: 0.02
Universitätsstraße 30
​D-95447 Bayreuth

Consultation hours: tuesdays from 9 to 10 am

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4226
E-mail: anna-madeleine.ayeh@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Chair for Social Anthropology

Webmaster: Nadja Bscherer

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