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Cultural and Social Anthropology

Chair for Social Anthropology – Professor Dr. Erdmute Alber

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Workshop "'Making (a) Difference' Intergenerational Conversations on Intimate Relations and Transformation" October 25-28, 2023


The planned three-day workshop will bring together an international and intergenerational array of leading anthropologists to reflect on how intimate relations are made in, with, and through difference – and on how intimate relations make difference in turn. It falls squarely into the UBT focus area Cultural Encounters and Transcultural Processes, enriching it with innovative perspectives on hotly debated issues like identity politics, health politics, and the de-colonization of im/material heritage. The workshop will open ground-breaking directions in the study of intimate relations, kinship, and care, as well as difference. Strategically, it will launch a first-of-its-kind international network of researchers on kinship and intimate relations, under the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA), headed by the University of Bayreuth.

For more information on the conference please see the programme in the attachment.

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