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Cultural and Social Anthropology

Chair for Social Anthropology – Professor Dr. Erdmute Alber

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Anthropology Lecture Series - Wintersemester 2022/23

Anthropology Colloquium, 07.11.2022

Bild: Anna Madeleine Ayeh_AnthroKolloq

The Anthropology Lecture Series is back in the 2022/2023 winter semester.

This time the Lecture Series is organised by Dr. Koreen Reece. You are cordially invited.

In addition we offer an E-Learning course that will also inform you about changes. For questions you can write an e-mail to sozialanthropologie@uni-bayreuth.de.

In addition to a participation in presence (Iwalewahaus), there is also the possibility to participate via zoom.

Further information can be received via our mailing list ASP-KUWI. We are looking forward to seeing many of you there.

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