Team > Tabea Häberlein

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology
Scientific career
Professional experience
- Oct. 2024 - Mar. 2025: Substitute for the Professorship of Social and Cultural Anthropology (with a focus on Africa)
- Dec. 2023 - Sep. 2024: Post-Habilitation Fellow
- Sep. 2022 - Nov. 2023: Research Associate at the Cultural & Social Anthropology research group
- Mar. 2019 - Aug. 2022: Research associate in the "Africa Multiple" Cluster of Excellence supporting Vice Dean Research in the Cultural & Social Anthropology research group
- Aug. 2017 - Dec. 2018: Research associate in the DFG research project "Generational Relations and Intra-family Resource Flows in West Africa", Head: Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber, Cultural & Social Anthropology
- Apr. 2017 - Jul. 2017: Research Assosciate at the Cultural & Social Anthropology research group
- Mar. 2014 - Mar. 2017: Research associate in the DFG research project "Generational Relations and Intra-family Resource Flows in West Africa", Head: Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber, Cultural & Social Anthropology
- Nov. 2012 – Feb. 2014: Research Assistant at the Cultural & Social Anthropology research group
- Jul. 2009 – Nov. 2012: Research associate in the DFG research project "Generational Relations and Intra-family Resource Flows in West Africa", Head: Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber, Cultural & Social Anthropology
- May 2005 – Jun. 2007: Part-time research assistant to the Junior Professorship of Ethnosociology, Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber, and in the CRC/RG 560 sub-project B8 "Family Change in Africa”
Academic Career
May 2019 - Jun. 2024: UNIVERSITY OF BAYREUTH
Habilitation candidate at the Faculty of Cultural Studies in the field of Cultural and Social Anthropology, title of habilitation thesis: Erwachsenes Sein. Konzeptionen, ökonomische und relationale Realisierungen einer spezifischen Lebensphase (in Togo und Benin). Teaching qualification for the subject of social and cultural anthropology established on June 5, 2024.
Oct. 2006 – Oct. 2012: UNIVERSITÄT BAYREUTH
- Feb. 2008 – Oct. 2012: Doctoral student at Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber
- Title of dissertation (2012): Generational ties. Order, practice and history of generational relations among the Lama (Kabiye) in northern Togo. Grade: magna cum laude (1,0)
- Jul. 2007 – Jun. 2009: Scholarship holder in the Graduate School of the University of Bavaria e.V.
- Studied social anthropology and geography (Master's degree with two main subjects); graduated in April 2005 with the title Magistra Artium, grade 1,0 (distinction)
- Title of master's thesis (2005): Institutional change in post-socialist Mongolia using the example of the Zuunchangai Sum region. Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Political and Social Sciences, 19.04.2005, grade: 1,0 (distinction)
- Studies of social anthropology, geography, psychology (“Magister”)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology
Research areas
- West Africa (Togo, Benin) and Central Asia (Mongolia)
- Economics over the course of life, adulthood, old age and ageing; generational relations, age class systems, course of life; intra-societal conflicts, and change of social institutions after political transformation. Rural societies, nomadism
Current research project

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology
Häberlein, Tabea; Irambeshya, Albert
Housing and Food Provision in Old Age : Gendered Positionalities in Rural Rwanda and the Border ...
Old Age, Gender, Social Security in Africa and Europe
Münster : Lit-Verlag, 2024. - page 247-271 . - (Narrating (Hi)stories : Kultur und Geschichte in Afrika = Culture and History in Africa; 8)
Häberlein, Tabea
When parents die : Bereavement, decision-making and achieving adult personhood in rural Togo
in cultura & psyché volume 5 (2024)
doi:10.1007/s43638-024-00092-8 ...
Häberlein, Tabea
Erwachsenes Sein : Konzeptionen, ökonomische und relationale Realisierungen einer spezifischen ...
Bayreuth, 2023. - 299 page
(habilitation, 2024,
Liebelt, Claudia; Alber, Erdmute; Häberlein, Tabea; Martin, Jeannett; Maurus, Sabrina; Thelen, Tatjana; Zoanni, Tyler
Revisiting Marilyn Strathern's Relations : A Relational Reading
in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie volume 146 (2021) issue 1/2. - page 219-224
Häberlein, Tabea
Entangled Family : Parenting and Field Research in a Togolese Village
Being a Parent in the Field : Implications and Challenges of Accompanied Fieldwork
Bielefeld : transcript, 2020. - page 127-144 . - (Culture and Social Practice)
Losing or securing futures? Decision-making about young people’s education in Africa
publ: Häberlein, Tabea; Maurus, Sabrina
Children's Geographies
2020 ...
Häberlein, Tabea; Maurus, Sabrina
Losing or securing futures? Looking beyond 'proper' education to decision-making processes abou ...
in Children's Geographies volume 18 (2020) issue 6. - page 569-583
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005159 ...
Häberlein, Tabea
reviewed by: Beer, Bettina ; Fischer, Hans ; Pauli, Julia (Hrsg.): Ethnologie : Einführung in die Erforschun ...
in EthnoScripts volume 20 (2018) issue 1. - page 119-123 ...
Häberlein, Tabea
Complexities of elder livelihoods : changing age-inscriptions and stable norms in three village ...
in Anthropology & Aging volume 39 (2018) issue 1. - page 33-47
doi:10.5195/aa.2018.174 ...
Häberlein, Tabea
Generationen-Bande : Ordnung, Praxis und Geschichte der Generationenbeziehungen bei den Lama (K ...
Berlin, Lit, 2016. - 370 page (dissertation, 2012,
Images, Imagination, and the Making of Future in Africa : Children, Youth and the Role of Educa ...
publ: Martin, Jeannett; Ungruhe, Christian; Häberlein, Tabea
2016 ...
Martin, Jeannett; Ungruhe, Christian; Häberlein, Tabea
Young Future Africa : Images, Imagination and its Making ; an Introduction
in AnthropoChildren (2016) issue 6
doi:10.25518/2034-8517.2508 ...
Alber, Erdmute; Drotbohm, Heike; Liebelt, Claudia; Skornia, Anna Katharina; Lidola, Maria; Leinaweaver, Jessaca; Thelen, Tatjana; Häberlein, Tabea; Coe, Cati; Feldman-Savelsberg, Pamela
Anthropological Perspectives on Care : Work, Kinship, and the Life-Course
publ: Alber, Erdmute; Drotbohm, Heike
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. - X, 237 page
rev.: Chirinos, Carlos: Lectures sur le Thème, In: Ethnologie francaise 2018/3
Häberlein, Tabea
Intergenerational Entanglements : Insights into Perceptions of Care for the Elderly and Life Co ...
Anthropological Perspectives on Care : Work, Kinship, and the Life-Course
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. - page 159-179
Häberlein, Tabea; Schröder, Philipp; Stodulka, Thomas; Spittler, Gerd
Dichte Teilhabe : Erkenntnisse aus sozialen Beziehungen im Feld
publ: Häberlein, Tabea
Häberlein, Tabea; Thiemann, André
Doing Politics – Making Kinship : Back towards a future Anthropology of Social Organisation and ...
2014 ...
Doing Politics – Making Kinship: Back towards a future Anthropology of Social Organisation and Belonging, Berlin
Häberlein, Tabea
Einleitung : Teilnehmende Beobachtung weiter gedacht: Erkenntnisgewinne durch Reflexionen zur e ...
in Sociologus volume 64 (2014) issue 2. - page 117-126
doi:10.3790/soc.64.2.117 ...
Häberlein, Tabea
Teilnehmende Beobachtung als dichte Teilhabe : ein Plädoyer zur ethnologischen Forschung über s ...
in Sociologus volume 64 (2014) issue 2. - page 127-154
doi:10.3790/soc.64.2.127 ...
Alber, Erdmute; Häberlein, Tabea; Martin, Jeannett
Verwandtschaft in Afrika : Transformationsprozesse im 20. Jahrhundert
Bierschenk, Thomas ; Spies, Eva (Hrsg.): 50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit in Afrika : Kontinuitäten, Brüche, Perspektiven
Köln : Rüdiger Köppe, 2012. - page 141-170 . - (Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung; 29)
Häberlein, Tabea
Über die Klagen der Alten : Ein Nachruf: Dr. Claudia Roth (1955 – 2012)
in Sociologus volume 62 (2012) issue 1. - page 95-97
doi:10.3790/soc.62.1.95 ...
Alber, Erdmute; Häberlein, Tabea
Attachment and Care in West African Webs of Kinship
Family, Ties and Care : family transformation in a plural modernity ; the Freiberger Survey about family transformation in an international comparison
Opladen : Barbara Budrich, 2011. - page 481-502
Alber, Erdmute; Häberlein, Tabea
Bindung und Fürsorge als Leitmotive im westafrikanischen Beziehungsgeflecht.
Bertram, Hans ; Ehlert, Nancy (Hrsg.): Familie, Bindungen und Fürsorge : familiärer Wandel in einer vielfältigen Moderne ; Freiberger Studie zum familiären Wandel im Weltvergleich
Opladen : Barbara Budrich, 2011. - page 533-556
Alber, Erdmute; Timm, Elisabeth; Bovensiepen, Judith; Schareika, Nikolaus; Alex, Gabriele; Beer, Bettina; Drotbohm, Heike; Fischer, Gundula; Thelen, Tatjana; Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta; Häberlein, Tabea; Schnegg, Michael; Pauli, Julia
Verwandtschaft heute : Positionen, Ergebnisse und Perspektiven
publ: Alber, Erdmute; Beer, Bettina; Pauli, Julia; Schnegg, Michael
Berlin : Reimer, 2010. - 335 page
Alber, Erdmute; Häberlein, Tabea; Martin, Jeannett
Changing Webs of Kinship : Spotlights on West Africa
in Africa Spectrum volume 45 (2010) issue 3. - page 43-67 ...
Alber, Erdmute; Häberlein, Tabea
Ethnologische Generationenforschung in Afrika
Verwandtschaft heute : Positionen, Ergebnisse und Perspektiven
Berlin : Reimer, 2010. - page 281-304
Häberlein, Tabea
Handbuch Anthropologie : Der Mensch zwischen Natur, Kultur und Technik
Stuttgart : Metzler, 2009. - page 324-328
Häberlein, Tabea
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Children's Issues Worldwide : Sub-Saharan Africa
Westport : Greenwood, 2008. - page 507-523
Häberlein, Tabea
Das abgewandte Gesicht : Konflikt und Meidung in Zuunchangai Sum (Mongolei)
in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie volume 132 (2007) issue 2. - page 287-314
Häberlein, Tabea; Ungruhe, Christian
Fosterage and adoption in West Africa reviewed : New theoretical approaches on the basis of emp ...
in Africa Spectrum volume 42 (2007) issue 2. - page 367-372
Alber, Erdmute; Häberlein, Tabea
Kultur und Identität – sind Afrikaner anders?
Afrika verstehen lernen : 12 Bausteine für Unterricht und Projekttage
Bonn , 2007. - page 207-240
Häberlein, Tabea; Martin, Jeannett
Sektion Entwicklungssoziologie und Sozialanthropologie : Bericht über die Frühjahrstagung Famil ...
in Soziologie volume 35 (2006) issue 1. - page 98-104 ...
Häberlein, Tabea
Institutionenwandel in der post-sozialistischen Mongolei am Beispiel der Region Zuunchangai Sum
((magister) thesis, 2005,

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology
Tabea Häberlein
Social Anthropology Scholarship holder / Postdoctoral researcher
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4106
Homepage: Chair for Social Anthropology